What is Masorti Judaism?
WIKIPEDIA: Masortim (Hebrew: מסורתיים, lit. "Traditional [people]", also known as Shomrei Masoret, שומרי מסורת, "upholders of tradition")' is an Israeli term[1] of self-definition, describing the Israeli Jews who perceive and define themselves as neither strictly religious (Dati) nor secular (Hiloni).[1]
Masorti Judaism is ‘enlightened committed Judaism for today’s person in today’s world’.
Rabbi Reuven Hammer
Masorti comes from the Hebrew word for ‘tradition’. Our aim is a living and relevant Judaism rather than a set of curious repetitive practices, which mean little or nothing to those involved. Masorti Judaism places great value on the wealth of Jewish history and tradition. It searches for truth and value in this history and tries to retain beliefs and practices while adapting them to the modern world.
We are a part of the rapidly expanding Masorti movement, which includes Masorti Olami in Jerusalem, the World Council of Conservative/Masorti Synagogues in New York and Masorti Europe.
In the United Kingdom, Masorti Judaism in London is the umbrella body that promotes the principles of Masorti Judaism. It acts as an information and coordinating centre for its synagogues and works on behalf of member communities in the context of the wider Jewish world, administering the European Masorti Bet Din (Jewish law court), Noam (the Masorti youth movement) and Marom Young Adults. In addition, it is active in encouraging and assisting the development of new communities.
For more information about Masorti Judaism, and to read about Masorti views on a range of issues, from God to Israel, and from Community to Social Justice, take a look at these Masorti Judaism publications (hosted on their website):
Masorti Judaism can be contacted at:
Alexander House, 3 Shakespeare Road, Finchley, London N3 1XE.
Tel: 020 8349 6650
Email: office@masorti.org.uk